How To Make A Great Resume in 2023

Crafting a resume that fully encapsulates your work experience and potential can be tricky and stressful. Resumes are the most important document your hiring manager will see, so perfecting them is essential to your job search. For this reason, LaborQuick, eastern NC staffing company, constructed a list of tips for a more optimal and professional CV.

What to Avoid

Let’s start by eliminating the red flags in your resume. Making these mistakes on your resume can make hiring managers think twice before considering you for the position. If unchecked, these small blunders can cost you future jobs and make hiring managers reject you out of the gate.

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Unnecessary clutter such as photographs, contact details for your references, and your current salary
  • Overuse of first-person language

To learn more about what hiring managers look for, LaborQuick, staffing company Greenville NC, crafted a blog detailing the hiring process.

Keep It Simple

Too much information can make your resume, and ultimately you, seem unorganized. Including details of every job you had lessens the value of your more pertinent positions. Highlighting only relevant positions while being concise saves you and your hiring manager time.

LaborQuick Greenville NC also saves both employees’ and employers’ time by finding eager workers and connecting them with recruiters. Working with LaborQuick ensures an expedited process for both parties and an all-around smooth construction project.

Optimal Formatting

The look and feel of your resume showcase your professionalism and expertise. Presentation is key to making yourself appear more qualified for your position. Formatting a CV in a way that reflects the job you’re applying for means researching sample resumes in your field. General necessities for every resume include:

  • 10, 11, or 12-point font size
  • Bold, italics, and underlining formatting to break up text
  • Keeping your resume to one page

LaborQuick | Eastern NC Staffing Company

LaborQuick loves receiving resumes from determined workers ready to get started. When working with eastern NC staffing company, we guarantee a fair and thorough review of all your skills and experience. If you are interested in a position or looking for more about our company, check out our website today.