What are the Construction Sectors?

If you’re looking to find a job through construction staffing companies, you may be asked which sector of the construction industry you want to work in. This is because there are two distinct areas within the field that are comprised of different types of work, residential and non-residential. If you have a lot of experience in one area, while you likely could apply it to the other sectors, you may find it easier to continue working within your current area. However, it is important to have an understanding of what the other division entails.


Residential construction is one of the most popular construction jobs Greenville NC that you will find when working with a construction staffing agency. In 2020, over half of the money spent on construction was spent in the residential sector. This is because residential construction not only includes houses being built but everything involved with homes as well. This means that garages, sheds, sewage systems, electric wiring, driveway paving, and more all count within residential construction.


Non-residential involves everything that does not directly deal with living spaces for people. Due to the breadth of the non-residential sector, this is broken down further into Heavy Industrial, Institutional and Commercial, and Engineering.

Heavy Industrial

Heavy industrial is all about building the massive infrastructural elements that you can see all around you. If your local construction staffing agency has positions that involve building a power plant, refinery, or highway, those spots would be found under heavy industrial. Heavy industrial also includes the largest machinery in the construction field. The machinery used can be multiple stories tall and move hundreds of tons of material. If you have a passion for huge projects, heavy industrial work may be for you.

Institutional and Commercial

If you’re more interested in the skyscrapers and sports arenas of the world, institutional and commercial fits the bill. While working in institutional and commercial, you may build something as complex as the Empire State Building or as simple as an elementary school. You can also find business renovation projects under this name, similar to how home renovations would fall under residential.


Engineering positions may be trickier to find through a construction staffing agency, as they may have special requirements to work on them. Engineering consists of things that improve our quality of life. Whether that be making power lines or a water filtration system for your town, these spots would be engineering positions.

Construction Staffing Agency | LaborQuick

No matter what sector you want to be involved in, a construction staffing agency can help. There are many construction jobs Greenville NC that are looking for passionate, dedicated hard workers. To get started on your job search, visit the LaborQuick website today!