5 Questions to Ask During an Interview

You have landed an interview with the hiring manager of a great company, and you are beginning your interview preparation. After you have gathered a copy of your resume, references, and selected professional attire to wear, the last step for shining in an interview is to prepare questions for them. Many think that the interview process is solely about them asking you questions, however, at the end of almost every interview, people are asked “do you have any questions for me?” Knowing what questions to ask at this time is an essential tool to stand out above the rest and to really impress the hiring manager. LaborQuick staffing company Greenville NC has prepared this list of quality questions for you to ask during your next interview. 

  1. What do the day-to-day responsibilities of the role look like? While you already have somewhat of an understanding of the job description, asking this question can really help you grasp what you will be spending the better part of your workweek doing. This helps you make sure that you are applying for the right position for you. 
  2. What are the company’s values? What characteristics do you look for in employees in order to represent those values? This ties directly to the company culture, which you should have read about on their website when you completed your interview preparation with LaborQuick staffing company Greenville NC. When asking this question, you will impress the interviewer by showing you care about the company rather than just a job position, and you will gain more insight into what type of company you may potentially be working for. 
  3. What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it? Everyone wants to be successful, and in asking this question you will gain some insight on how to do just that in the position you have applied for. It is crucial to understand how a company measures a worker's success, and what part of the work effort is really paid attention to by managers. When you ask this question, it also shows that you are interested in being successful for the company and care about learning exactly how to do so. 
  4. Are there opportunities for professional development?  If so, what do those look like? Unless you are wanting to stay in your entry level position for the extent of working with the company, asking this question is a great way to learn how to grow and expand your position. Pay close attention to their response and make sure it is exactly the path that you are looking for! Stagnation is never fun or beneficial!
  5. Is there anything about my background or resume that makes you question whether I am a good fit for this role? This question is the most important one that LaborQuick staffing company Greenville NC wants you to remember. Asking this question displays that you are invested in the position and truly care about getting the role. It makes the interviewer really read through your resume where they may have just skimmed over it before, and it allows you to respond or explain any potential concerns they have. Asking this question gives you the insight on how they are feeling about you as a possible candidate and shows that you are confident in your abilities. 

By using these few unique interview questions to ask a future employer, you will gain more valuable insight than originally thought, you will give back in the conversation versus it just being an hour of one sided conversation, and it will show that you are truly interested and engaged with the interview, job position, and company. Incorporating the above questions throughout the interview will make it go more smoothly and in return will make you more relaxed. Contact LaborQuick staffing company Greenville NC for help in your  construction job searching today. 

LaborQuick, Construction Staffing Company Greenville NC

LaborQuick is the construction industry’s newest solution to finding reliable workers for each of our employers, making it the top company for construction staffing Greenville NC. Satisfying both the potential employee as well as the employer is our top priority, so we stand rooted in our mission to find committed and reliable hands to work on projects big and small. Contact us today to find the right job, or reliable workers for your next job today!